Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Edinburgh Onward

The Ross Fountain in beautiful Princes Street Gardens

View from Salisbury Crags, Holyrood Park

The way up.  The yellow is gorse, a very stickery shrub.

More Princes St Gardens

Delightful place, Edinburgh.  After two days we moved on north toward Inverness and Skye.

St Andrews, the birthplace of golf
The ruins of St Andrews Cathedral.  After golf was invented, I guess no one went there on a Sunday any more....?  Just kidding.
Inverness Castle in the early evening
Site of the Battle of Culloden, last full scale battle on British soil

Eilan Donan Castle
Village of Portree, Isle of Skye

The Old Man of Storr, the vertical stone in the distance

The Broadford Hotel

Legend says that Bonnie Prince Charlie fled to Skye after his defeat at the Battle of Culloden, and, despite a huge reward offered for his capture, he was given refuge on this very site by Captain John MacKinnon.  As an expression of his gratitude, Bonnie Prince Charlie gave MacKinnon the secret recipe for the potent elixir that had been devised especially for the Prince during his exile in France.  We know this drink today as Drambuie .

Sailing Loch Lomond
Next -- on to Ireland

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